Four: The start of the Evil in Comparison


Judging and Comparison

Why do people need to judge them self , why do people need to judge others . Life is fair either you’re smart , you’re good looking or your personality is amazing . No one can have all 3 . There’s always something in a person that they lack . So what if she’s beautiful and you’re not , You have a choice on either spending hours of your life repeating that the person are beautiful and compare yourself or you can say it once then find 

"what makes YOU special "

We might judge a person by their looks but you never know them properly, until you talk to them . She might be beautiful but she’s weak both physically and mentally, easy to get sick . He might me decent looking and strong physical but isn’t mentally .She might be beautiful and hardworking but she have the mindset which compare the self with others . We compare so much that now the only thing we can shout is:

 STOP judging and start getting to actually know them OR KNOW YOURSELF...

Why do we need to do this?

If you’re reading this I might finally trust a person , you steal my phone or I’m dead

However if you are reading this I hope you can share this to everyone :

Stop comparing yourself with others , understand that you are you, and no one should change you and YOU should not change yourself because of someone else.

Everyone is unique . Find your uniqueness and embrace it

BUT DON’T HAVE AN EGO , Be Humble use your uniqueness and improve our world .


Further Explanations:

     This issue should be address since all children was young. I wrote this simply because too many people around me started to complain or worry about themselves simply because of comparison of themselves with others. Let me explain further.

      In the modern society or even before, everyone would always have a person they look up to and they often have a goal that relates to the ideals of the person. People tend to fall into the same trap where we call "comparison". Comparison might sound nothing much but comparison is like a huge monster where it engulfs you, It can cause an unseen amount of damage one can imagine since it can damage the person internally that may affect them physical and psychologically.

       Comparison is when a person looks towards a celebrity and has a hope to become like them in their looks or personalty as such. It is the desire to change what you are due to another person's looks. The effect on this is that you will be blinded towards your own beauty and gifts of yourself. The blind side truth caused you to shame yourself into created a imagery picture of your ideals when you completely forget who you are and why you are you.

       In the modern world, the number of people comparing themselves increase so much to a point that beauty's definition from the specialty in a person becomes a specific person who is famous or good looking to a point that you hurt yourself since you try to be closer to them in looks wise where you would go a distant for surgery to change your looks where it is a thought in question why are we doing so?

     Truthfully, I had compared myself before in the past, towards much more happier people or the popular students in my school where I question why i don't have the friends that will invite me to party or such and yet I knew it is because i'm just unlikable which hurt myself even more. This caused me to go blinded towards my own close friends where I had been so dumb to distant, thankfully i learned the lesson where i want people to understand from here.

    The blog here is to share what i learn and hope that you would not fall into the holes where i had fell. I am here to hope we all grow as a whole in the community and understand perspectives where we might be blinded to ever foreseen. Ill see you guys next week for another blog.

                                9 Quotes to Help You Stop Comparing Yourself to Others ...


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