One: Life's Theory through a Diamond


Life is full of experience, Changes and the objective and so let me tell u a story

I need you to think about a diamond. So what's a diamond. Diamond is also rock like others, but it has a lot of pressure let into it so it can become the one and only. Similar to us, we students have an objective we all wants to go to university so we can learn more like a rock who wants to be a diamond .think about last years you and the person you are today. It's really hard to think about ur changes .you may grow taller or fatter but that's not the point, the point is every year were getting much more stressed than last year. We all want to beat the others, we don't want to be last so we fight to be 1st and allow the stress to make us gets weaker. Allow me to take you back to the topic of rock. If the rock is weak the pressure will crush it and if the rock can handle the pressure it will become a diamond. So if you want to be successful you need to have some different experiences and don't let stress stops you

To the popular kids, You need to see that you are never doing anything that’s why guys who bully think exactly to torment us endlessly and make it a joke or put us in nametags. Because there is no consequence to their actions. You stay as their friend, You go to their party, You become their partners. You stand widely and believe you guys have no blame of any things happens here so yeah we ruin this or that. SO WHAT! We didn’t shoot up the school or kill ourself even though we may have to think about it just maybe because of the way u treated us. Most of us just wish u like us and feel our pain. We also fall in love with you. Here we are using different communication to rip each other apart. School is just a popularity contest and to see how we unpopular we are and how we suck.


     Further Explanations:

     Here in this text, I wrote was a lesson I learn when I was young. Above, was a text I got explained from a grandfather that I had met at an early age. It had been described to me when I was alone and to tell me that us as an individual has our own problems and stress that will be passed onto us through time. The problems that comes one by one that will test our limits. This self-thought I wrote is to imply that we should always stay strong and deal with stress in a manner as if it is to teach us and not to scare us.

      The wealthy people above had gone through problems and stress to get to their level. As the word "Diamond" was used to imply as the successor and wealthy. Yet the "crushed " was to imply the people who had given up on their dreams. 

      I wish this extract from my mind I had wrote can show you a piece of basic information to motivate you to chase your dream. Be the rock that succeeds in changing into a Diamond and not the one who gives up. 

A quote I can tell you is that 
" Life will beat you to your knee and keep you permanently if you let it."- Rocky 

Hope you learned from this small Blog and Ill see you next week!!


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