Seven: Mistakes Explained through Football



This topic is Mistakes . What do I mean by mistakes ? In football mistakes means something that YOU did wrong

I learnt this today , a mistake leads to another until it crumble . A kick of long ball leads to a defence mistakes and lead to a goal . I want to lay down but it was impossible.

Hearing the sound of my net getting touch broke me in half

One mistake

Two mistakes


If I save 100 spectacular saves it would stunt the crowd but one mistake which lead to a goal would make it look like it never happened

However you can make mistakes because everyone do it , it’s how u get back from the mistakes and work on it to ensure it’ll never happen ever again.

Being a goalkeeper is a thankless task, one that requires a certain kind of individual to don the gloves and pull on the No. 1 jersey. You can make 10 incredible saves -- "worldies" in goalkeeper parlance -- and then allow one to slip through your grasp and into the back of the net. Guess what gets remembered? goalkeepers are more invested than outfield players in the psychological side. Keeper are individuals operating in a team setting, and there are times when their world can cave in if they make a calamitous mistake.

"I always wanted to be a goalkeeper as a kid, but I also knew that you had to take the rough with the smooth," Bosnich said. "As a keeper, you have to have that mindset. Whenever I made a mistake, I would just apologise to my teammates and move on. That's how I was.

We just need to return to the next game improved, better and ready to be able n the next level

"As a goalie, you're on your own, and you've got a deal with it on your own."


Further Explanations:

            This topic is about Mistakes, whether in sports, skills, education or anything. Us humans are bound to do something wrong in every aspect in our life and we need to learn to accept it and look at the situation in another point of perspective. 

          In further explanations, right now we see the whole situation as a problem and something that stops us from achieving big goals. It may be something that is holding back or something you did wrong and trying to blame something to keep our reputation high and not to drop down. That is the problem right there, problem we need to face and learn from.

        The perspective i want you to learn is that to see it as an experience or a stepping stone. You should not care if it drops you down to even the lowest because understanding your value in the time you are there. Knowing what you did wrong and learn from it. A nice thinking I've heard from a mentor is not to see rock bottom as a failure to your reputation but to understand that rock bottom is the strongest foundation since its the most bottom.

       It might be confusing but learning from mistake allow you to prevent making the same thing because it engrave in your mind and showed you the consequences it will put in your mind. It allow you to strive in the future. An idea for the parents is to communicate with your child and create a system where they would get reward if they learn from a mistake they make. That allow them to grow in all aspect to allow a better future they might be able to live in.

      In the End the topic mistake have many perspective in it and i am here to share mine. This is all my view on the topic where we should see in our would to allow us to grow in the future rather than to be stuck in a location because of mistakes we make that does not put us anywhere but to stick a mental block to stop us in thinking anything.

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